Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Road Less Travelled

Having a job you are passionate about is extremely important. A person’s job is a major part of someone’s life that should be filled with happiness not misery. The dream is to find a job that makes you feel fulfilled. Will you reach that moment? My future begins a week before I walk across that sacred stage. The next chapter of the rest of my life starts like this. On a hopefully sunny day after being stuck in a smelly gym for hours for what is referred to as the mandatory English provincial I will head out to a place where champions are made, where superheroes are discovered. No mission is left undone. This place is called Camp Tulahead. As soon as I arrive at this sacred place the time starts ticking for an extensive two week long training session to be a cabin leader with no time to breathe except the wee amount of time required to complete the right of passage those refer to as graduation. So my summer is spent getting paid to play outside and find my inner child sounds like a blast right? After the sun sets and September draws near ill head home for the time period of about a week then off to university. Where ill be spending four years pursing a BA in psychology and then plan to continue on to a 2 year masters program following this I will hopefully acquire a career as some type of counselor most likely surrounding the areas of abuse and addiction. However I’m not set on having a typical 9-5 job maybe eventually but the idea of traveling around the world to help to less fortunate sounds pretty good right now.

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