Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Great Debate

Creation versus Evolution has always been a topic argued all around the world. Today that hasn't changed. We compare the theory of evolution with creation presented by the bible in Genesis.Creation has been the historic and default explanation throughout virtually all cultures and religions until roughly the last 200 years. Of course, Evolutionists, who view themselves as the only "scientists" in the debate, insist that the burden of evidence be upon the Creationists. Evolutionists reason, we cannot see the Creator, we cannot hear the Creator, and we cannot touch, taste or smell the Creator. Therefore, we are unable to test for the Creator for any form of scientific evidence that there is an existence . In rebuttal any Creationist would pose the that concept of the human mind we know it exists.We cannot so much as even locate the human mind. Yet we watch as human carcasses run about, making order of disorder, conscious decisions according to subconscious criteria. We see the design and complexity that result from the operation of the brain through the invisible realm known as the mind. Thus, we know with certainty that the human mind exists. Therefore, it's absolutely logical for Creationists to prove the existence of a Creator based upon the same "evidence." However this question of where we came from won't truly be answered until we fall into the arms of death.


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