Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Road Less Travelled

Having a job you are passionate about is extremely important. A person’s job is a major part of someone’s life that should be filled with happiness not misery. The dream is to find a job that makes you feel fulfilled. Will you reach that moment? My future begins a week before I walk across that sacred stage. The next chapter of the rest of my life starts like this. On a hopefully sunny day after being stuck in a smelly gym for hours for what is referred to as the mandatory English provincial I will head out to a place where champions are made, where superheroes are discovered. No mission is left undone. This place is called Camp Tulahead. As soon as I arrive at this sacred place the time starts ticking for an extensive two week long training session to be a cabin leader with no time to breathe except the wee amount of time required to complete the right of passage those refer to as graduation. So my summer is spent getting paid to play outside and find my inner child sounds like a blast right? After the sun sets and September draws near ill head home for the time period of about a week then off to university. Where ill be spending four years pursing a BA in psychology and then plan to continue on to a 2 year masters program following this I will hopefully acquire a career as some type of counselor most likely surrounding the areas of abuse and addiction. However I’m not set on having a typical 9-5 job maybe eventually but the idea of traveling around the world to help to less fortunate sounds pretty good right now.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Great Debate

Creation versus Evolution has always been a topic argued all around the world. Today that hasn't changed. We compare the theory of evolution with creation presented by the bible in Genesis.Creation has been the historic and default explanation throughout virtually all cultures and religions until roughly the last 200 years. Of course, Evolutionists, who view themselves as the only "scientists" in the debate, insist that the burden of evidence be upon the Creationists. Evolutionists reason, we cannot see the Creator, we cannot hear the Creator, and we cannot touch, taste or smell the Creator. Therefore, we are unable to test for the Creator for any form of scientific evidence that there is an existence . In rebuttal any Creationist would pose the that concept of the human mind we know it exists.We cannot so much as even locate the human mind. Yet we watch as human carcasses run about, making order of disorder, conscious decisions according to subconscious criteria. We see the design and complexity that result from the operation of the brain through the invisible realm known as the mind. Thus, we know with certainty that the human mind exists. Therefore, it's absolutely logical for Creationists to prove the existence of a Creator based upon the same "evidence." However this question of where we came from won't truly be answered until we fall into the arms of death.

Friday, April 15, 2011

To Shine or not to Shine ?

Last night I experienced a world full of culture. As I walked into the theater of the Vernon performing arts center, I was blown away by the beauty of the lines portrayed on stage. Contemporary is a genre that moves me to tears every time my eyes are exposed to it .It was so inspiring to watch new talent on the stage for the first time , the repertoire of skill the girls possessed was incredible. But let’s get back on track what I am really hear to talk about it the Shine Festival. Sure the venue that was chosen was lovely but the company itself not so much. I have never experienced such a lack of feedback from the adjudicators before. No technique refinements, no comments on choreography. Nothing was said to the students in the competition other than a placing and for all their hard work. This was a disgrace! I ask what they got in return. To become an Adjudicator at one of these prestigious dance competitions’ you must have the knowledge on how to develop consistent marking schemes, how to give appropriate, constructive dance critiques and how to deal with uncomfortable situations that may arise. Whoever picked this year’s adjudicators obviously didn’t take this into consideration that much unless these people actually do possess these required skills and just didn’t demonstrate them in their broadest capability? I cannot distinguish the reply that is wished to be desired here. Either way what I witnessed last night encompassed in my seat was not up to par, making me feel utterly disappointed for all the dancers that graced the stage receiving absolutely no criticism. Taking everything into account positioning myself in a situation such as I did at the Shine Festival is not one I would choose to be in for a second time.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Perception is Everything

Have you ever thought about whether or not what we see is real? In the presentation by Beau Otto on optical illusions he talks about the infinite truth that everything we see is perceived rather than being a constant fact. Whether it be what we see as a colour or a shape its the factors that surround is what determines what we see. Imagine thinking you know a lot as a student graduating from high school ready to embark on the world .But is what you believe to be true really real or just something you have perceived it to be ?Every vision your eye is producing will never be the same as someone else . Whenever you say to a friend "Hey come look at this " they will never see as you see it . Knowing this piece of information can become a perplexing dilemma that with time may cause some rapid frustration. What about the concept of taste? When you think about it what if this is the reason every individual has different likes and dislikes when it comes to the cuisine this world has to offer.But just like the shapes we see, all aspects to life are taken by how we perceive them . Most would say its all in how you react to a situation , in that itself will predict the outcome, therefore attitude is everything. But it is how we perceived from the very first moment we saw it ,so the truth really is perception is everything .