Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Education in the 20th Century

Education has being the basis and foundation of peoples lives for over hundreds of years .But is that really our true purpose to go to school day after day being swept away in the abundance amounts of boredom that comes from siting in a mahogany desk and listening to a teacher blab on and on for countless hours .For the last 13 years of school was it worth it? Or a pointless way to spread our time preparing for the outside world we call it . Well that is the question that is posed. In my opinion it goes both ways to a certain extent I can say with conviction that a lot of the things I had to endure in high school, in particular were quite pointless to my education and to my life . I don't feel as someone out of high school I will care or even remember math calculation's which I was taught were so important to my future. Such as trigonometry and quadratics. It has been said that math is a numbers game but where has all the numbers gone? Letters are more and more rapidly integrating themselves further and further in .Causing an uproar in the brains of new comers striving to reach their peak . But I ask you what is truly important ? Is it countless equations we learn in math or chemistry or is it the communication skills we learn in English or the arts . Social skills and how we value communication with either elevate us or crush us when we are set free to our own resources.When we leave this place will you be ready ? Or will you be left waiting in the wings wanting someone to save you from the jungle that is our world. Our workplace. School has taught us that we need to follow a cookie cutter equation and if we do we will succeed. Starting with studying for a test students; they are brainwashed into the routine study for the test . Get a good mark .Repeat until course is over , then continue with all other courses . We strive for this to get into good schools to pursue our dreams . Sadly that is only part of the spectrum that can handle this the other half give up and just let themselves slip through the cracks of life . What is our education system doing ? Who knows who and what we could be missing out on . One of those students has the potential the change the world but we didn't give them a chance because they didn't fit into the perfectly outlined box we put them in . Myself almost out of high school I do feel a certain amount of preparedness however I do not award the praise to our schools I award that to specific teachers that had a "different" way of thinking and getting involved in activities outside of the school environment prompting me to have wide eyes to the world I will be leaping into so soon in June . If I could change the system for future generations and create the perfect school society. It would consist of structure yes but a great deal more of opportunities to be creative and to have an open mind . To grow and to discover who we are and who we were went to me . As September approaches I find myself letting go of what could of been and striving to pursue my dreams . Next I want to go to post secondary and start my BA in psychology starting me on the road to understanding, a path not many want to travel to help the weak and the broken .If in twenties years I've made even the smallest difference I'll know I've done my job well.

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